Join us for a closing celebration of SCUBA
diving into friendship
with God
Thursday, June 20
8:00-8:20 pm
Founders Hall
All parents/guardians/family are invited to a closing celebration/performance
from the kids to learn about all the awesome ways God has been working through us this week.
More information coming soon! 2025 Vacation Bible School True North: Trusting Jesus in a Wild Word is coming to Ss. John and Paul this summer!
Dates: Sunday, June 15 - Thursday, June 19, 2025
Time: 6:00 - 8:15 pm
Location: We start and end each evening in Founders Hall.
Ages: 4 years old through students finishing 5th grade
Registration is open through May 20, 2024. Late registrations will be accepted through Monday, June 3, but registrations received after May 20th will not include a free t-shirt.
Send your kids on a splash-tastic adventure!
At SCUBA VBS, kids dive into friendship with God! SCUBA is filled with awesome Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, and touch! Hands-on science experiments, team-building games, unforgettable Bible songs, and tasty treats are just a few of the standout activities that help faith flow into real life. (Since everything is hands-on, kids might get a little messy. Be sure to send them in play clothes and sturdy shoes.) Plus, we’ll help kids discover how to see evidence of God in everyday life—something we call God Sightings®. Get ready to hear that phrase a lot!
Your kids will also participate in a hands-on mission project, through a program called Diving Deep for the Sister Water Project, who believe that providing clean water makes a significant impact on the lives of people in Honduras and Tanzania. Along with improved health, having access to clean, nearby water sources empowers women and children to improve their future economic and educational opportunities.
$25.00/student - $70.00 immediate family limit
$6.00 for music CD or digital download code (must be ordered in advance)
T-shirt included with registrations received by May 20th.
Three Ways to Register:
Print the VBS Registration Form (also located under the Documents heading).Complete the form and return it with payment by mailing it in, dropping it off at the faith formation office, or dropping it in the collection basket when you come to Mass; or use the FILLABLE VBS Registration Form and email to Shelly Heimer.
Register online by clicking or tapping the button below (also located under the Links heading).
Pick up a registration form in the gathering space or stop in the faith formation office to get a form.
Register online by clicking or tapping the button!