The Lenten and fall fish fries at Ss John & Paul Parish have been a long-standing tradition for our members and for the community as a whole. For years, the Knights of Columbus have given the teens of our parish an opportunity to raise funds by selling desserts to those in attendance. This is our youth ministry’s biggest fundraiser, and it is made possible by generous donations from teens, family members, Knights of Columbus members, and the wonderful talents of our parishioners that bake and donate desserts!!
There are many ways that you can help:
We periodically schedule opportunities for teens and adults to pack meals that will be distributed to the hungry throughout Iowa and the world. This event is a great way for teens to be able to get involved with service and have a lot of fun while doing it!
We usually all meet at the Meals for the Heartland location, with teens and/or parents providing their own transportation.
Permission form are required for all teens participating in these events. Forms are available on this page under the Documents heading when a specific event is scheduled. You can send the permission form with your teen to the event and the forms will be collected there.
Find out more about Meals from the Heartland here or under the Links heading.
Meals are scheduled for October 13, 2024 and February 23, 2025.
Find more information about volunteering for CISS meals: Central Iowa Shelter & Services
Liturgical Ministers: Become a Liturgical Minister for weekend liturgies. To train for Lectors, Commentators, Ushers, Greeters, Servers or Eucharistic Ministers, click here for names of Coordinators and their contact information.
Nursing Home and Homebound Ministry: (Nursing home ministries may be sporadic due to COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses.) If you are interested in bringing Communion to one of the Altoona Care Centers or help with Homebound Ministry, contact Parish Nurse, Kris Flater or 515-490-4843. Must be in high school and accompanied by (and trained with) a parent or guardian to participate in this ministry.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word takes place Sundays at the 8:30 and 10:30 am Masses for children in grades K – 4. Children leave to hear the readings at their age level, have a discussion or activity, and return to the assembly after the intercessory prayers. To volunteer contact Jenni Lihs. Teens can participate in this ministry if they are accompanied by (and trained with) a parent or guardian.
Childcare for Faith Formation always needs a little extra help! Come on the Sunday or Wednesday night that you are not attending and help take care of little ones. To volunteer contact Shelly Hiemer.