Under certain circumstances, donating your IRA distributions to a charity can be done through a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) tax-free. Here is a flyer that will explain the qualified charitable distribution (QCD). This is also located under the Documents heading.
We currently have quite a number of parishioners donating through a QCD in order to realize a nice tax savings. Occasionally though, we do not receive notification on these checks informing us it is a QCD. We will be putting a note in the year-end statements stating you will need to make sure you let your tax preparer/advisor know that you gave donations through a QCD so as to make sure you don’t duplicate that tax deduction.
Your tax/investment advisor will be a good resource for questions, but know we are here to answer any questions you may have regarding this year-end tax-free charitable donation.
Rev. Mark McGeary
Maxine McEnany
Business Manager
Jeff Vorwerk
Finance Council Investment Advisor