Are you a Catholic adult who did not have the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation? Our parish is offering formation for the Sacrament of Confirmation for adults. Please contact Vivian Day McGee for more information. We look forward to hearing from you!
Faith Journey Companions are persons within our parish who are introduced to inquirers (those seeking baptism) and candidates (those baptized in other Christian traditions). The role of a Faith Journey Companion accompanies the inquirer or candidate and invites them to sit with you at Mass; share time together over coffee or a meal; introduce them to your friends and family; invite them to join you for a parish event (Friday fish fry, parish mission, social justice ministry event, for example). A faith journey companion introduces an inquirer/candidate to parish life and listens as their person shares their faith journey with them.
Sponsors share their faith through accompanying participants as mentors. The role of sponsor officially begins the inquirer is ready for the Rite of Entrance and become named catechumen. There are times when a Faith Journey Companion is asked to continue the journey and sponsor their inquirer/candidate. For our baptized Christian friends, the sponsor begins their commitment to support the candidates through the person's first desire to be received into full communion at any point earlier, but can also begin at the Rite of Welcome. The sponsor is invited to participate in the regular OCIA sessions, attend Mass and parish events together as they are able, and especially to be able to commit to standing with their catechumen/candidate at the liturgical rites proper to their person's journey. Sponsors will be naturally reviewing and learning about Catholic teachings alongside their catechumen/candidate in the OCIA sessions, as well as diving into prayer and deepening your personal relationship with God.
Pray-ers are the truly powerful behind-the-scenes partners. A prayer partner is "adopts" a candidate or catechumen, and provides the necessary spiritual support by lifting him or her in their daily prayer. Pray-ers are kept up-to-date on their person's journey (e.g. when they are preparing for the next threshold or rite), their birthday, and the like. There are no meetings to attend and you can remain anonymous or, with the permission of the inquirer, candidate, or catechumen, can send them cards of encouragement and congratulations. Your gift of prayer is so greatly appreciated. This ministry is an especially good fit for our homebound parishioners.
Providing Hospitality is a behind-the-scenes hero by setting the space, providing snacks, welcoming our guests as they enter, and assisting new guests with creating name cards and getting newcomer information.
Being a Dismissal Leader is a great way for those on this journey to get to know others in their parish community. The Dismissal Leader serves a critical role for our catechumens. Following the Rite of Entrance, catechumens are dismissed to reflect on the Word of God with a dismissal leader.