Ss. John and Paul Catholic ChurchClick here to get directions,-93.463794,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x87ee93835129000b:0x4e911a831f0d8b28?hl=en_blank
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October 5, 2024Find details here.../blessing-of-animals-feast-of-st-francis_self
October 11, 18 & 25Tap or click for details/k-of-c-fall-fish-fries-2024_self
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SSJP's Youth Ministry will serve a meal at Central Iowa Shelter and Services on Sunday, October 13. Youth in 7th-12th grade who are interested in participating must sign up by October 7. All those preparing for Confirmation must volunteer for at least one of the two meals scheduled this year. Tap or click for more information, including links for sign-up and consent forms.
Beginning September 7, there will be Mass on the first Saturday of the month at 9 am and Saturday morning Reconciliation times will change. Tap or click for more information.
The parish fleece blanket project, sponsored by Life After Fifty will take place October 21-22. Find information on the project, including how to donate fleece or have LAF purchase fleece for you by clicking or tapping here.